Regulates the procedure for using the Telegram bot, located at the following address:
- General Provisions. Terms and Definitions. Subject of the Agreement.
- Definitions:
- Telegram bot – a complex of software and technical tools and software code implemented using API methods developed by and publicly available at, access to which can be obtained at and referred to as “TeleSINT.”
- Another Telegram bot – a complex of software and technical tools and software code implemented using API methods developed by and publicly available at, not referred to as “TeleSINT.”
- Resource Administration – the owner of the electronic resource responsible for the operation of the electronic resource and access to it, namely “TeleSINT.”
- User – an individual who has agreed to this User Agreement and has gained access to the resources of the Telegram bot is considered to have agreed to this User Agreement.
- Premium User – a User who has paid for one of the types of subscriptions specified in the Terms of Service, access to which can be obtained at
- Information – any textual, graphic, audio, software-technical information, and files provided by the Telegram bot.
- Telegram User – an individual registered on the service and has accepted the rules described at
- User ID – a unique numerical identifier assigned to each Telegram user.
- User Name (or username) – information required to be filled in during the registration of a Telegram user, entered in the First Name and Last Name fields, and it is not required to be the real data of the individual filling in the name and surname fields. The username is not considered personal information, does not have to correspond to the real data of the individual, and does not allow for the unambiguous identification of the individual.
- User Nickname – a unique character identifier of a Telegram user, not mandatory during the registration of a Telegram user.
- This User Agreement governs the relationship between the Resource Administration and the Users who perform any actions using the Telegram bot.
- The parties agree that the Information posted in the Telegram bot is provided without any warranties or obligations on the part of the Administration, including in the case of inaccurate or improper information. The Administration is not responsible for possible interruptions in the operation of the Telegram bot, lack of access to it, and other possible technical malfunctions of the resource.
- The parties to this User Agreement are the Resource Administration (section 1.1.3) and the User (section 1.1.4).
- This agreement is posted at a permanent internet address:
- Definitions:
- Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties:
- Rights and Responsibilities of the Resource Administration:
- The Telegram bot Administration undertakes not to collect the User’s personal data, as well as any other data, except for the data specified in section 2.1.2.
- The Telegram bot Administration has the right to collect the following non-personal information about the User:
- User registration time.
- Requests sent to the Telegram bot, excluding requests sent by Premium Users.
- User ID.
- Username.
- User nickname.
- The Telegram bot Administration has the right to terminate User accounts in case of violation of the terms of this User Agreement.
- The Resource Administration has the right to make changes to this User Agreement at any time, in any part, without prior or subsequent notice to Users.
- Rights and Responsibilities of the User:
- By initiating a dialogue with the Telegram bot, the User agrees to use the Telegram bot in accordance with the terms of this User Agreement.
- The User has the right to refuse this User Agreement by stopping the Telegram bot and ceasing to use it.
- The User has the right to use only that part of the Information posted in the Telegram bot for which access has been opened and granted by the Administration of the Telegram bot.
- The User agrees not to disrupt the operation of the Telegram bot and not to use software and technical methods and means to impact the Telegram bot with the aim of destabilizing its operation.
- Users are not allowed to use the information presented by the Telegram bot for commercial and other purposes without obtaining the consent of the Resource Administration.
- Rights and Responsibilities of the Resource Administration:
- Liability of the Parties. Limitation of Liability:
- The Resource Administration is not responsible for providing information that contains links to resources deemed illegal in some countries.
- The Resource Administration does not collect or process the User’s personal data. The Telegram bot only stores the information that the User voluntarily places in public access.
- Additional Terms:
- Correspondence between the Administration of the Telegram bot and Users is carried out via email at the email address [email protected], as well as through another Telegram bot located at, referred to as “TeleSINT Technical Support.” The response time to a User’s message is up to two business days.
- The Administration of the Telegram bot has the right to ignore messages from Users when such messages lack logical meaning, do not contain the essence of a question, or are of an offensive nature.
- Final Provisions:
- Changes and (or) additions to this User Agreement are made by issuing a new version of the User Agreement and come into effect immediately upon publication.
- The User Agreement and (or) its amendments (changes) are binding on all Users who have started a correspondence with the Telegram bot.